Monday, April 13, 2009


hmmm... why did that one have funky colors when I switched to manual?
Sometimes it's right on, sometimes it's weird. What am I missing?
I've still got a LOT to learn.

This was is blurry if you open it bigger, but Derek was making the kiddos laugh for me.

Otherwise, this is the best I could do. Not too bad since I only had 5 minutes to get a good one.

After church, I tortured the girls for more picture practice.
I wanted to try to really emphasize their eyes - it was really fun!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

outside 3/27/09

Same lens, same attempts to balance shutter speed and aperture. Just so much easier outside. I loved the holes in Lydia's jeans. She had a bump on her forehead that day that might be a good experiment in Elements. But that'll be another day's project. I also love Ellie's grumpy faces. She is most fun to photograph when she's in that kind of mood. :)

Derek didn't love that her whole face isn't in focus, just one of her eyes. I personally thought it was kind of cool. What do you think? (click on it to see better)

Going manual

I'm pushing myself to stay in manual mode more. My new lens, the basic Canon 50 mm 1.8, has been super fun. Last night I played with black and white, balancing shutter speed and aperture. And of course, my kids are stuck being the models. I try to just take pictures of whatever they are already doing and tell them it's my "homework." Which it is!